Gray Catbird - Bird Knowledge

The Gray Catbird, also spelled Grey Catbird, is a medium-sized perching bird found in North and Central America. It is the sole member of the "catbird" genus Dumetella.

Physical Traits:
Gray Catbirds have plain lead gray plumage with a slightly darker crown. Rust-colored under tail coverts, black remiges and rectrices with white borders, and blackish slim bill, eyes, legs, and feet define their appearance. Behavior during breeding season is often the key to distinguishing genders.
Basic Info:
- Scientific Name: Dumetella carolinensis
- Lifespan: 2.5 years
- Size: 8.1–9.4 inches
- Weight: 0.8–2.0 ounces
- Wingspan: 8.7–11.8 inches
Habitat and Distribution:
Gray Catbirds are native to most temperate regions of North America, migrating to the southeastern United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean in winter. They prefer habitats with dense vegetation and are often found in scrublands, woodland edges, farmland, and abandoned orchards.
Backyard Observation:
Attract Gray Catbirds to your backyard by planting fruit-bearing trees like dogwood, winterberry, and serviceberry.
Breeding Behavior:
Gray Catbirds breed in semi-open areas with dense, low growth. They forage on the ground for arthropods and berries. Nesting occurs in shrubs or trees, close to the ground, with light blue eggs and 1–5 eggs per clutch. Both parents contribute to feeding the young birds.